biz coaching
Ich biete sowohl Einzelcoachings wie auch Gruppencoachings
in den folgenden Gebieten an:
Meetings / Brainstorming Sessions Facilitator
Business Knigge / Effizienz Training
Entscheidungsfindung Coaching / Struktur & Prozess Streamlining
Allgemeine und themenbezogene Englische Konversation
Kommunizieren am Telefon auf Englisch & Deutsch
Interkulturelle Kommunikation / Kommunikation in der Arabischen Welt
I offer one-on-one coachings as well as group coachings
in the following areas:
Meetings / Brainstorming sessions facilitator
Business behaviour / Efficiency training
Decision-making coaching / Structure and process streamlining
General and subject-related English conversation
Telephone communication German & English
Intercultural communications / Communications in the Arab world